How fun are these Meringue Heart Cookies for MERINGUE month? Very easy to make, you can color for any holiday, and it’s a great snack!! For the heart, I used a 1M piping tip. Hearts to you all!!

Once you know how to make meringue, you can’t stop making all kinds of creations!!! This next one is simple but memorable. Heart Meringue Cookie. You can make it any size or any color. All kinds of holiday and celebration can be sweeten with this dessert. So put this in you repertoire whenever you’re going to have a party!
To make meringues, there are a few things that we need to pay attention to. The egg temperature, the bowl, the sugar, and patience.
The recommended egg temperature for making meringue is room temperature. Why use room-temperature eggs? Well when eggs are cold, the egg whites tend to reduce meringue volume. We want the meringue to be light, and fluffy and rise up.
The bowl has to be clean of any oils. There’s a science behind this and it’s way to complicated for me to even try to explain it, but the simple answer is oils or fat is going to make it harder for the egg whites to rise.
The sugar. When mixing the egg white with the sugar, you want to make sure that all the sugar are fully dissolved. I noticed that it takes me a lot longer when using regular sugar that super fine sugar. So my solution is to make my own super fine sugar by blending regular sugar in my blender like the picture below.
Last but not least is patience. But I’ll explain more at the end.

You can make meringue by whisking by hand, but I have to warn you it’s gonna be a workout!! I like to use my stand mixer because there’s going to be long time of mixing. In the stand mixer, combine eggs, cream of tartar, salt and vanilla extract in a grease free bowl .

nce the eggs are at soft peak, add the sugar one tablespoon at a time. Now this is what I mean by patience. You cannot add all the sugar at the same time. It will make it a lot harder for the egg white to rise. So add a tablespoon of sugar, wait for 15 seconds (I actually did One Mississippi, Two Mississippi ..), then add another tablespoon of sugar until all the sugar are out.

How do you know if you’re meringue is ready? Pinch a little bit of the meringue and rub it in between your fingers. if you can still feel the sugar, mix it a little bit more. The meringue should also look glossy.

After you color the meringue, spoon the meringue in a piping bag with a 1M tip. Do one side.

Then add the other side to make a heart!! Now here comes the heart part. You have to bake it in a 225 degrees oven for 1 hour then cool it in the oven for another hour.

But your patience will pay be paid off by a delicious and beautiful treat!!

Happy Baking!!

How fun are these Meringue Heart Cookies for MERINGUE month? Very easy to make, you can color for any holiday, and it's a great snack!! For the heart, I used a 1M piping tip but you can use all kinds of tip. Hearts to you all!!
Preheat oven to 225°F. In a grease-free stand mixer bowl, whisk the egg whites, cream of tartar, salt, and vanilla extract until soft peak. With the mixer on high, gradually add 1 tablespoon of sugar and wait for about 15 seconds before adding another tablespoon. Keep doing it until all the sugars are mixed in. Beat until the mixture is thick, glossy, and has increased in volume. The mixture should have stiff peaks and the sugar should be completely dissolved. Rub the mixture between your fingers to see if it's dissolved. If it's not completely dissolved, mix it again. Be careful not to over-mix. If using food coloring, add the food coloring to the meringue. Put it inside a piping bag fitted with a 1M attachment. Put a dot of meringue at the bottom of each corner of the parchment paper so the parchment will not move around. Pipe the heart shaped meringue cookies on top of the parchment. Bake for 1 hour. Turn off the oven once the baking time has passed and do not open the oven. Let the cookies cool completely in the oven (1-2 hours) before taking it out. Store the meringue cookies into an airtight container.MERINGUE HEART COOKIES